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Collete from grandma

Collete from grandma

BGN 34.99

BGN 34.99

3 products + gift box, to complete your special gift.

Sweet (2 pieces of your choice):

Sweet like in the old days – whole fruits and over 90% fruit content!

No enhancers and with a little stevia, because we know you want a healthier option. "That grandma of yours used to only eat without sugar!", but we know you secretly avoid sugar.

The sweet ones are:

  • Blue plum (whole fruit): A simple, but so delicious and sweetly nostalgic classic.
  • Blue plum with walnut: Crispy and soft in a symphony that pleases the palate.
  • Blue plum with apple: this is from "The Innovators' Grandmothers", from whom we also took the recipe – 60% plum and 40% apple. They are pleasantly surprising and aromatic!

Dried fruit (1 piece of your choice):

Simple and pure FRUIT – no added sugar.

  • Blue plum: Slow dried at a low temperature, which preserves its beneficial properties. Suitable for candy or as a "secret" ingredient for pork.
  • Sour cherry: Fresh and boldly sour taste, which guarantees surprised expressions and "WOW" from everyone who tries it.

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